Friday 30 December 2011

December 25th

Head together for the final week
Glint in my eye, tear on my cheek
Looking bright, where once looked bleak
No words can describe
The count down reaches single figures
there's so much more now to consider
Instead of shrinking it's getting bigger
Makes me feel alive
There's lots more to get done
Many more tales to be spun
The marathon is only half run
I didn't mean to start this
But every step is a delight
less darkness coming into light
The first time I've had to fight
And now I cant resist
Looking forward to the next step
And to being out of my depth
hold your nose, take a deep breath
Get ready for the wave
Who'd of thought this time last year
That'd I'd would get this near
Thank you all for being here
I believe in being brave

December 24th

We wave farewell and good bye land
My once upon a fairytale highland
Until we return to my beautiful island
keep the people right
from the memories of yesteryear
to friendships that we still hold dear
warms our minds when we're not here
humble and polite
from the joys of the property trade
to the memories, forever delayed
Thoughts belong to those who stayed
keep carrying the light
you always give me that comfort feeling
which leaves me to question the meaning
Why are you always semi appealing
free and a fancy flight
I miss and permanently reminisce
with warmth and difficult to resist
I'm caught up in a loving tryst
I love my Isle of Wight

December 23rd

I’m going to get out more, not become captive
Take the reins by being more proactive
Shout out loud, I’m done with keeping quiet
Doing more will become my New Year diet
I’ve had enough of being regular Joe
I want to be a better me, by doing what I know
I don’t know how, but it’s worth a try
I’ll make another pass as the world is passing by
Joining in will become my new religion
Taking chances is my next decision
Having an opinion is your prerogative
Surpass the minions, by being positive
Open more doors just by saying yes
Say farewell to subtle and finesse
What’s the point of having ideas?
If you keep it locked in doubts and fears
Be who you are, just come out and say it
It’s your guitar, but how often do you play it
Use your time to become effective
Show them how, write your own directive
If you want to achieve and make it through
You have to believe in what you do

Thursday 29 December 2011

December 22nd

Words don’t come as easy, thoughts are not as nice
Subjects far too cheesy, repeated once or twice
Now I’m not controlling, now I’m out of bounds
Preparing for consoling and hearing sorry sounds
Where once I had energy, where once freedom reigned
I’m lacking moral synergy, and feeling talent feigned
Once more unto the breach my friends, once more pen to pad
Once more to project that never ends, once more to raving mad
It wasn’t meant to be this hard, it was meant as a soft gesture
Now I’m feeling mentally scarred, as draining starts to fester
But what of feedback mentioned, what of the positive thoughts
Wouldn’t that help to aid ascension and help find the path that is sought
It’s only by writing and reading, it’s only by growing inside
That you’ll find the path for proceeding, you’ll get back into your stride
So take bad, the ugly and good make best use of all feelings
Without the down times and deadwood, you’ll never know you need healing

December 21st

It began as fun, lighthearted
And for no particular reason
From back when it all started
I have found a little cohesion
I’ve learnt that mental health
If worked at, can be achieved
Personal gain and wealth
Appear when you start to believe
I wondered, if too much, I was tackling
Approaching a task, this intense
The possibility of this actually happening
Would be left to daily suspense
So what do I take from this procedure?
What lessons do I think I have learned?
That everyone can be a teacher
And it’s not always bad to be burned
Forgive me if you think it’s a lecture
It’s my first attempt, first occasion
It’s merely my primary conjecture
It’s not meant as pushy persuasion
I hope you’ve enjoyed my poetry trail
I hope you have shared in the laughter
I hope that my book is a fairytale
And it lives happy ever after

Sunday 25 December 2011

December 20th

I have friends from different walks
Friends in constant juxtaposition
But there is one man, when he talks
I always make time to listen
His talent,positivity and his drive
To the highest heights have grown
And my fire, that's been lit inside
Was sparked by the match of his own
You'll never hear a negative
He'll always be uplifting
He's heavily hyper active
With constant project drifting
He doesn't swear and doesn't drink
But always buys a round
He give his peers cause to think
with actions quietly profound
His belief and his lust for life
Are matched by a winning format
That when he sharpens his knife
He kills what he takes a stab at
You've earnt all you're going to have
I'm blessed to have a friend so true
The fact is, The Year of the Gav
Wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for you

Saturday 24 December 2011

December 19th

I was just a young boy, sitting on my fathers knee
talking about the future and where I'd like to be
We sit and talk for hours until and in the background music played
That music would surround me, and in my mind it's stayed
I flicked through his collection, he hum me every line
He sit there and he'd tell me that what was his was mine
I've kept that memory with me and never will I lose it
And everyday, with songs they play, I remember daddies music
I play those songs, bring back memories strong, when I'm feeling homesick
they were great times, but I can't rewind, to hear my daddies music
Another time that I'd go back, if you could grant my wishes
Is after dinner, plates are stacked, my mother washing dishes
We help out as much we could, by putting things away
I thought back then the tunes no good, but I love them all today
I've kept that memory with me and never will I lose it
And everyday, with songs they play, I remember mothers music
And as I'm getting old myself, and my tastes have all expanded
I look upon my CD shelf, and see the music I've been handed
I do not see the songs and bands, my memories are all I see
I can feel their loving hands in the music they gave to me
So if I have a young boy and he sits upon my knee
I can share the music that my parents gave to me

December 18th

I've impressed this year, I've impressed myself
I've excelled and expanded my mental health
I've stuck to a task and seen it completed
Not won the race, but at least I competed
I can see the finish and the land promised
I've been more open, pure and honest
I've explained each time when I felt exertion
I've feel I've become a much better person
I found myself better each time I explored
And thankfully found that I'm not fatally flawed
I've written well when I've been on empty
And not given up when my demons tempt me
I've been controlled in all situations
And dug even deeper when brain took vacations
I've acted and reacted in a constructive way
And I said something about nothing to say
I've was all alone as I stuttered and stumbled
Picked up politely by pals and felt positively humbled
In my wildest dreams I never thought of succeeding
This year has been great and thank you for reading

December 17th

On a London street, a Christmas bell rings
A star shines over, our stories, three kings
One a writer who's writing was random
One an actor as cool as Camden
One, a film maker talented and tall
When bought together, geniuses all
The lights, the season and festivities
Only help increase productivity
And Christmas, like our friends here
Only happens once a year
For our trio, London couldn’t be more pleased
As it rewards them for opportunities ceased
Their just rewards of jovial jollity
They feel the full force of festive frivolity
Time passed quickly talking of times past
Colourful times they compare and contrast
The greatest of times made better by lights
One time, three kings, putting the world to rights

Tuesday 20 December 2011

December 16th

What if nothing changes?
What if it all stays the same?
What if all these exchanges
Are only ever in vein.
It’s all just scribbles on a page
I’m a poet with no bookings
Like a punch in my rib cage
Just when I wasn’t looking
Too many times I started something
With so many great ideas
Don’t become a meaningless fling
Forgotten over the years
I know that it’s all down to me
It’s how I choose to spend my time
Dutiful daily diary devotee 
And reap rewards that are mine
Even when I finished writing
There’s still so much more to do
I hope its hard work that I’m inciting
And this time I’ll see it through
The first thing that I’ve completed
Don’t underestimate the part you play
At least I can say I competed
And progressed more than half way

December 15th

My year has been a remarkable one
As I gloss over everything I've done
I'm proud of all the yarns I've spun
Now it’s nearly finished
I think back to my humble beginning
When I had just started spinning
With no thought of actually wining
My desire did not diminish
Although I may have said this before
My tiny mind is getting sore
I’m patiently waiting at the stage door
With thoughts that it might open
I walk the streets and hand out flyers
And talk to the prospective buyers
These are my dreams and my desires
Who knows, but here’s hoping
Whatever happens in the New Year
Whichever direction my new career
This will always be honest and sincere
Something I’ll constantly have
In the future when at desk and chair
I’ll think back to my first writing affair
I’ll be proud of my daily diary despair
I’ve loved, The Year of the Gav.

December 14th

I was there, it wasn’t a dream
I was where the brightest lights beam
It was beautifully draped in a Christmas theme
I want to be there again
The city called and I responded
The city and I instantly bonded
I said goodbye and unwillingly absconded
But a bit of my heart remains
Your glorious noise, your lovely drone
Around every corner, nothing unknown
Millions of people, but we were alone
Beautiful burning lights
Your skyline, with love, designed
Will be etched forever on my mind
And to your charms, I have resigned
Glorious glowing nights
New York, you strange and crazy you
Keep on doing what you do
A lasting impression on my debut
Love you to your core
I was there, it was a dream
I was where the subways steam
The greatest place I’ve ever been
Until I’m there once more

December 13th

Everyone’s nicer around Christmas time
Everyone breathes a little lighter
Everyone’s moods are more sublime
And Everyone’s future looks brighter
But come the end of January
Come the deep set of winter
We all start seeking sanctuary
Our dreams seem to buckle and splinter
So this year make sure you envelop
The warmth that daily surrounds
Be thankful and positively develop
Your nearest and dearest around
Christmas has all kind of delights
With presents all wrapped with bows
Remember the feeling of tree lights
And the comfort with every glow
Don’t forget that warm feeling
Don’t put it out with the tree
Fill up your heart to the ceiling
Be as great as you can be
You don’t even need Christmas presents
For this feeling to come your way
You just need to be honest and pleasant
And it’ll be Christmas everyday

Monday 19 December 2011

December 12th

Seriously, I'm running out of ideas
My brains been looted by buccaneers
Words are falling out of my ears
My head is feeling sore
My minds gone on the rampage
And now refuses to engage
Lies at the bottom of the birdcage
I cannot take any more
No more words means no more writing
My neurons have been struck by lighting
Even my couplets have started fighting
I don't know what to do
It would be wrong for me to quit
My synonyms are wearing the wrong kit
My rhymes are losing their ready wit
is it time to bid adieu?
My verbs have taken to inbreeding
My sentences have started bleeding
With my mentality I'm constantly pleading
I'll make my funny bid
I promised you one-a-day
So for my art, I'll gladly pay
Never again lose my way
I can, I will, I did

December 11th

I'm not a great religion believer
I think it acts as a truth deceiver
But if people find comfort in faiths
I cannot knock where trust is placed
I've been to church for midnight mass
It isn't made up of greener grass
It wont release me of my sin
But humbly and quietly let's me in
Although I struggle with the subject
I enjoy the pace and time to reflect
They were once the communal groundings
Now they are just amazing surroundings
In my head nice words I'll be saying
I guess that’s just my way of praying
If just for a minute you think of other people
Then its worth its weight from pew to steeple
These beautiful buildings that give people peace
That allow us time to react and release
Are even more special at this time of year
To think of those who are no longer here
There's no other reason that I come
But midnight mass means a lot to my Mum
Personal beliefs, which I'm sure you can handle
So take time, drop in, and light a candle

December 10th

I hope this year, to you, has been kind
I hope this year, you've spoken your mind
I hope this year, you've been inspired slightly
I hope this year, you've acted politely
I hope this year, you've had a reprieve
I hope this year, you've begun to believe
I hope this year, you've taken control
I hope this year, you've satisfied your soul
I hope this year, has not been a waste
I hope this year has been in good taste
I hope this year, has been good value
I hope this year, you've been a better you
I hope this year, you've approached honestly
I hope this year, you've upheld equality
I hope this year, you've been true to your heart
I hope this year, has just been the start

December 9th

Sad news and sad talking
About my boots that were made for walking
They're only fit now for Stephen Hawking
There gone
My old brown boots, they served me well
They'd have a few good stories to tell
They made my feet ache and swell
For too long
They took me up hill and down dale
I bargainly bought them in a sale
Tried to fix them, but to no avail
over souled
For replacement boots I'll have to trawl
No greater boots can I recall
I shall never again walk as tall
Or bold
They were my favourite and most popular
I took them first to see a Cobbler
He said I'd have more luck with an Ostler
Chances were seemingly slim
My lovely old boots of brown leather
He couldn't fix them whatsoever
So we end our lives together
Boots are in the bin

December 8th

When the Christmas lights are iridescent
When all around are opening presents
There one man who's feeling unpleasant
That's John
During the time of the kids nativity’s
He doesn't join in with the festivities
he playfully adding up his negativity
That's John
We try to pass on the Advent message
Hand him a neatly wrapped package
He just has a turkey sandwich
That's John
With a glint in eye and secret smile
He says Christmas irritates and riles
And that Santa's not been in a while
That's John
I hope his Christmas is on the mend
I hope he sees family and friends
I hope he just likes to pretend
That's John
As you're in a Scrooge like way
We wish an unhappy Christmas day
And may Santa hit you with his sleigh
That's John
As an addition to this rhyme
John actually had a very nice time
He even gave me his glass of wine
That's John.

December 7th

Because I can, because I should
Because you said I never could
Because you never asked me why
Because I've just begun to try
Because I wanted to let you know
Because I had to give it a go
Because I made myself a plan
Because you'd never understand
Because no one had done it before
Because I could no longer ignore
Because nothing is handed to you
Because I was feeling impromptu
Because I just wanted to see
Because I'm just becoming me
Because I felt I got left behind
Because my words opened my mind
Because I'm having too much fun
Because they said it couldn't be done

Thursday 15 December 2011

December 6th

The music played, I was young again
I was able to life suspend
I was with my closest friends
I was sensory surrounded
I was taken back to being eighteen
Enveloped by the modern Mod scene
Lost in the memory smoke screen
Ears ringing and mind astounded
The days of being trouble free
No future plans of responsibility
Came flooding back so beautifully
My eyes had little tears
We were confident, a little Machiavelli
T.F.I Friday was on the telly
Now greying hair and bigger belly
What happened to those years
I love how music takes you back
A place,a time, a single track
Memories boxed and neatly stacked
Forever to remain
Until these components again I find
Until the stars are realigned
It'll stay forever in my mind
And I'll never feel old again

December 5th

Hello, Mr Ellis have you been before
Or do you daily dentist ignore
Have you become a herbivore
'I've been a little unwilling'
Come in, relax and please lie down
I'll grab my light and look around
Oh look at what I have found
A hole that needs some filling
I've never really had a problem
I've stuck to the oral curriculum
Now I'm feeling all mouth solemn
That's lowered my morale
Your teeth are really excellent
With healthy hygiene highly apparent
My mouth was quietly jubilant
This one needs root canal
Face is sad and feeling sorrow
Further meetings hard to swallow
Booked in for a filling tomorrow
I've got my appointment docket
I hope the work is not too intensive
As I'm feeling a little pensive
This dental practice is expensive
Feeling the pain in my pocket

December 4th

As we had toward another anniversary
My love was a seed, you're it's nursery
You're my primary, secondary and tertiary
This is my way of showing
I knew as soon as we came together
That'll it would be you and me forever
Just put your trust in the magic feather
I hope this finds you knowing
You are my constant,my guiding light
You're never wrong, I'm never right
You are the angel in my delight
Our lives together dawning
From now until the apocalypse
Until Southend with a bag of chips
We'll have each other and replacement hips
I'll see you every morning
You inspire and encourage me daily
I love you like Fornby loved the ukulele
As important as hummus is to an Israeli
As funny as you are lovely
So everyday let me see your face
and hug me with your warm embrace
be surrounded by your godly grace
You're small but always above me

Wednesday 14 December 2011

December 3rd

I feel I’m losing my word battle
Herding words around like cattle
Desperately trying to originate
Unable to phrase formulate
Stopped in my funny tracks
Too far gone to go back
I can see the finish line
The first place trophy is mine
The marathon has be exhausting
With continual brain contorting
But I seemed to have tamed my herds
Careful control over new found words
Empty pages are slowly filling
Linger, ponder and general milling
Hoping that the words are found
So I can bring it all around
When I started my daily dedication
Before it became an infatuation
I used to enjoy my distraction
But I can’t get no satisfaction
My passion has now become a chore
I’m writing things I’ve written before

December 2nd

An amazing year, but the pressure is on
The last leg with my poem baton
I won’t miss it when it’s gone
It’s become a nuisance
How to follow up and proceed
If I actually complete the deed
What a thrill if I do succeed
Reward for my persistence
Comedy has been pushed my way
Could I write a funny dossier?
I’ll try to reheat that soufflĂ©
What could possibly go wrong?
Oh the happiness I could bring
If I could conquer word jestering
Throw a wit punch in the laughter ring
Is that where my head belongs
But I won’t forget the poetry
This has set my mind free
Be as great as you can be
Look up instead of down
I could do it, there is no question
Evolve my hilarity into a profession
Join me as I accept my accession
I’ll happy take that crown

Monday 12 December 2011

December 1st

When shall we three meet again?
Toast once more with apple champagne
To continue on our worldly reign
My two greatest friends
Be it comedy, music or F.A’s
Great memories of the greatest days
Never failing to amaze
Always good to soul cleanse
When together, it’s time I treasure
Discussing past times at our leisure
Your welcoming is my pleasure
You constantly enthral
Just chatting over a few beers
Worlds align, worry disappears
You are my other 2 Musketeers
All for one, one for all
Next year we will start surprising
Our minds expand as we begin comprising
Look out world because we’re uprising
Confident and urbane
We are continually world berating
Making us laugh whilst self deprecating
We are all geniuses laying in waiting
Until we three meet again

Friday 9 December 2011

November 30th

People wrapped up, snug and tight
As Jack Frost begins to bite
The days so short they've lost their light
Hope for what's in store
Feel the snap of the winter chill
The build up of Christmas thrill
Much love to all and good will
it's wintertime once more
Winter brings the freezing ice
And the merry Christmas spice
A time for people to be nice
Thinking of their fellow man
A time when petty difference ends
A time for joy to ascend
Time for family and friends
Extend an open hand
Everywhere a happy scene
joining up from in-between
Lights bright on trees green
and perhaps a little fun
Hoping that the snow will fall
That Santa makes his annual call
A merry Christmas to you all
And god bless us, everyone

November 29th

My mind bullets have lost their aim
My fire is starting to lose its flame
The fun has gone out of my game
I'm feeling all at sea
More effort as each day passes
Should have paid attention in classes
My minds eye is needing glasses
starting to disagree
Got to build it up before it's over
Try to get back some composure
Need to finish and get some closure
This year is really dragging
I have put my mind up on trial
And want to end the year in style
Bring back my inner smile
earn the rights for bragging
Want to join up with the elite
yet still unfinished and incomplete
I will not face another defeat
it's all got too exciting
I've become more acquisitive
Found my streak competitive
I'm staying sane and positive
I've earned the right for writing