I went back to my house, I went back in time
I went back to those days of happiness sublime
I went back to when those summers stood still
I went back for warmth but felt the winter chill
I wanted to see children playing like we’d done
I wanted to see my Dad garden-bathing in the sun
I hoped that they’d be waiting just for me
But in my mind is where they'll always be
I went back to the place where I learnt to kick a ball
I went back to where I sat after a major bike fall
I went back to where I played and where I came of age
I went back but time has turned another page
The houses are all still standing but some a little worn
The fields in which we’d run are now bereft of corn
The trees which we’d to climb don't appear to as high
The road is a broken grey, the blues gone from the sky
The gardens where it all began, when we planted all our wishes
Has been overtaken by parked cars and stilted satellite dishes
Why don't the children kick the ball the way that we once did
Why was there no sign of life, no running laughing kid?
Have we all grown up too fast and grown in to alienation
Or were they staying indoors on their mates Playstation
Things have changed where I grew up, playing seemed to stop
No more footballs on top green for passing cars to pop
No more children on their bikes or kicking through the leaves
No more jumping from fences and swinging through the trees
I was there this afternoon, popped back just for the day
I wanted to knock on someone’s door, and ask them out to play
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