Tuesday, 27 September 2011

September 16th

As another birthday of mine approaches
And responsibility yet again encroaches
I’m accounting for myself and taking stock
And recounting the minutes of my life’s clock
When I was a child full of frivolity
Oblivious to class, division or quality
Happiness came from kicking a ball
And waiting for my mother’s call
And weekends were taken up
By watching the league or F.A Cup
My innocent like hot air balloons
Drifted away from sunny afternoons
Now I’m chatting about profit and yield
But wanting to hide in a big cornfield
And when be told about new selling techniques
I want to be off school for six long weeks
No internet and no mobile phone
Just Mum to tell us what time to be home
No concerns about price inflation
Just unbridled procrastination
When did those times disappear?
Around the same time as finding beer
Then weekends changed from win or lose
To drinking pints of unnameable booze
Alongside the drinks I was discovering
I learnt that Sundays were for recovering
Woken up only for Full Monty and toast
Then back bed until Sunday roast
Those were the days, the days were mine
Cheered up whenever I think of that time
So kids, hear your folks when they say
These are the greatest of all days

September 15th

He came back after his vacation
He came back with my inspiration
He came back with his wonderful tales
Of life weighed up on different scales
He came back from across the sea
He came back with gifts for me
He came back alive and aglow
Telling me things I wanted to know
He came back after another adventure
He came back as a story dispenser
He came back and I can’t complain
He came back and I’m writing again

September 14th

Another minute wondering why
Another dream, pie in the sky
Another hour wondering when
Another ponder of there and then
Another afternoon of wishing away
Another end to another day
Another morning up bright and early
Another portion of life’s hurly burly
Another month turns out of weeks
Another instance of colourless cheeks
Another month becomes a season
Another example of life treason
Another year is slowly turning
Another chance to continue learning
Another instance of mental squalor
Another day another dollar
Another year is getting longer
Another shot at growing stronger
Another attempt with language and letter
Another model of getting better
Another year of stationary moving
Another occasion of occasional improving

September 13th

Just to be easing my mind
Just to be walking away
Just as I start to unwind
Even if it’s just for a day
Just as calm comes around
Just as things start to ease
Just as peace is being found
Surrounded as I just release
Just as friends arrive
Just as it all begins
Just through the week I survive
The great and the just wins
Just as it all turns alright
Just as it always should be
Just as late turns to light
Just as I’m back to just me
Just as I’m taking stock
Just as I start to discover
Just as I race against clocks
Just enough to just recover
Just a little time for myself
Just some important me time
Just can be good for your health
Just as I’m doing just fine

September 12th

Have I challenged myself too much, given me too much to do?
Did I really think I could or did I write off more than I can chew?
Was it really such an impossible unachievable goal?
I had no idea when it all began that it would spiral out of control
If I’d have know back then, when I was just at the start
That every time I wrote, I would search my soul and my heart
Each time I would try to fill my day, I’d find myself reminiscing
And found all the thoughts I’d felt before, but was constantly dismissing
It is a massive challenge this year that I have set myself
You never know what you can do, collecting dust upon life’s shelf
So I’ve given me something to do, dusted myself down
Meant each word, felt each phrase, lived out every noun
Sure there has been some fluffy content, just to fill the page
But there have been some deeper words, as my writing comes of age
The people that I meet daily have no idea of what I write
But there thoughtless words and actions only maximise my plight
So as we reach the final straight, with all that’s gone before
This journey is at my minds hotel and I’m in on the ground floor 

September 11th

When everyone is telling you what to do
When everyone else knows what’s best
That’s when you become a better you
And get it all off your chest
When everyone has ‘been there done that’
When all have advice to give
When your ups and downs are staying flat
Search deep within yourself
To find your own extreme
It’s good for the soul and health
When you live out your dreams

September 10th

You never have looked so pretty
Than when you’re watching Sex in the city
You know that you’re my only attractor
When slouching in front of X-Factor
I love you with all my heart and soul
When you’re holding the remote control
Our choice in viewing festation
Homes under hammers, location location
In the ad break, you know I care
As our minds round and eyes square
In your pyjamas and your pop socks
I love you most when you’re watching the box

September 9th

I’m going out tonight for a good time
To reminisce over whiskey and wine
To add new comment to our commentary
To add more content to our memory
To fill up our party heartily folder
To put the brakes on us getting older
Something that’ll be alive forever
To give us a reason to get together
To remind us how things are supposed to be
To vanquish all responsibility
To forget the things we’ve left behind
Or to recapture and fully unwind
We’ll debate vocally in raised drunken tones
And take blurry pictures on camera phones
Why do we only do it on birthdays?
We give ourselves ‘what are we worth days
So let’s make it a more regular get together
And make our parties last forever

September 8th

I’m ready for my New York hysteria
And will bring back memories, not memorabilia
You won’t be getting a Liberty key ring
Or Empire State on a string
No Chrysler building encrusted with diamonds
But you might get a postcard from Ellis Island
Who knows what things will happen
When we visit the Isle of Manhattan
I’m gonna wake up, and do it all
Times Square, Grand Central Terminal
Metropolitan and Guggenheim museums
The city that never sleeps is in my dreams
I’m gonna discover, before it gets dark
Every corner of Central Park
All the history and all the talk
Will soon be mine New York New York
Something I’ve always wanted to do
Something that is long overdue
New York envelope me with all you bring
Give me all you have, miss out nothing
I’m like a sponge, ready to absorb
To soak up my well earned reward
I will listen as you start to talk
And wear my T-shirt saying I heart New York

September 7th

It was all mine for the taking
I was getting over the hill
But now my dream is shaking
And my words are standing still
It was a premature celebration
I was, too early, back slapping
I’m now missing my dedication
I’ve been caught out napping
It was all moving swiftly along
And my catalogue began to grow
But somewhere it all went wrong
Now my words are unable to flow
It was filling me with satisfaction
My hard work was beginning to pay
But now I’d like a challenge retraction
As I run out of things to say
It was all turning into my ritual
Something I’d do, whatever
But it been recently less habitual
I’m now not feeling as clever
But even if there’s a tiny chance
For words to flow again
I’d set back into that stance
And make my hills flat again

September 6th

I’m ready now for something to happen
To change my outlook, landscape and pattern
For my daily routine to be turned around
To walk a new path and to tread new ground
I’m ready for a new place and time
For somewhere else to fill my mind
I need another location and another view
I want to look out over some place new
I’m wondering where it will take me
I’m seeking out my new sanctity
But also ready for work mundanity
I’m ready for new buildings and doors
And the subsequent windows and floors
I’m ready for my new life’s beginnings
And ready to spend my gambled winnings
I’m ready and I know it’ll be soon
I’m ready for my once in a blue moon
I’m ready for changes to occur
I’m ready to find a new prefer
I’m ready to attempt to achieve
To pull an ace from up my sleeve
I’m ready for new things to fill my plate
I’ve heard good things come to those who wait

September 5th

There was a young man named Chris 
Who efforts you could never dismiss 
Helpful all the while  
And ready with a smile 
And a soft little face you could kiss 
There was a man named John 
Who was as good as the day is long 
His careful driving  
Kept the business thriving  
But his stories go on and on 
There was a young lady named Claire 
Who was never happy with her hair 
She tried to dye it  
Her fella wouldn’t buy it 
He didn’t want others to stare 
There was a girl named Ellie 
Who constantly thought of her belly 
She would eat and consume  
Until she had no more room 
And she’d get in the way of the telly 
There once was a guy called Gav 
A fashion crisis he’d have 
When he wore his gold trainers 
He’d get strange looks from strangers 
They thought him a bit of a chav

September 4th

It all started as a crazy scheme
Which has now gone a little extreme
It was fun for a while, well, at first
But now I’m feeling completely submersed
 In a river of my words, I am drowning
Spending my days thinking and frowning
 Making my mind contract and contort
Trying to find a witty retort
Struggling to find some rhyme for my reason
I appear to have a word lesion
Every new page is a furrowed brow
I’ve got to get this finished somehow
What if I made my burden lighter?
Hire in a paid ghost writer
This task is overpowering and daunting
Maybe it could use a little haunting
I want all the reward and glitter
To prove that I’m no quitter
There’s no one else who’ll write like me
Who’ll get across my daily insanity
No else could recall such personal times
In broken English and nearly rhymes
So you’re stuck with me as brain cells diminish
I’ll see you there when we get to the finish
I’ve put my kettle back on the boil
Til we get to the line and you wrap me in foil

September 3rd

The tale of Lofty and Little Legs
A bubblesome troublesome pair
As good together as bacon and eggs
One way here, the other way down there
The biggest big and the littlest little brother
Who had adventures of all kinds
Watched over constantly by Mother
Sharing in the tales of their minds
So open your ears to listen
To stories from far and wide
Switch your mind to the on position
And take a look at what happens inside

September 2nd

Whether it the satin sheets of a five star hotel
I still wouldn’t sleep all that well
It’s not just the sheets that cause distress
But the unfamiliar pillow and mattress
I’ll start my uncomfy bed frustration
With goldilocks style elimination
If I’m going to have a silent night
I need a bed that is just right
Single, double, queen or king size
Is considered before I close my eyes
Sheets or duvet pyjamas or pant less
It’s all Willy nilly in my unconsciousness
How my head lays when asleep I go
Is all determined by the cut of my pillow
Bouncy, alive, floppy or dead
Or folded over to support my head
Wake up in the night just to check
A sharp pain running down my crocked neck
Duck down or goose or whatever you’re used to
Nothing will make your dreams come true
When I think of the pillows come and gone
With my DNA strands and my dribble on
The nicest pillow that money can afford
Gets eaten up the wonky headboard
As Dorothy said, ‘There’s no place like home’
And there is no pillow like your own

September 1st

It shouldn’t be like this, I shouldn’t feel down
But I know its back to the same life in the same town
Out here you’re anybody with anyone’s views
This is what they call the blue sky blues
You relax and unwind and make each day count
Walking, talking eating and drinking large amounts
You know that soon time together you’ll lose
I guess I’m suffering from the blue sky blues
You know that it’ll be like it was before
Heating on and staying indoors
Before too long you’ll have blown a fuse
That’s why they call it the blue sky blues
You’ll arrive home and restart your routine
Be as mundane as you’ve always been
Through your photos you’ll slowly peruse
Extending the agony of the blue sky blues
No sitting on balcony’s watching the world go by
No more hot sun, no more clear sky
Just you, work and an alarm button with snooze
Mourning in the morning with the blue sky blues
But holiday has made me quite the Socrates
Why can’t we be blown along with the breeze?
Take your relaxing holiday in the sun
To change who you are and what you’ve become
Change your mind, life and views
Never get burnt by the blue sky blues

August 31st

What does it mean, what will it become?
A choking non-starter or bestselling number one
Where am I coming from, how will it look?
Self obsessive nonsense? Or just writing a book?
Who will buy it, what’s my demographic?
Is it just a journal or is it journalistic?
It’s just a pile of words that my brains concocted
Not characters no begin and no end plotted
Everyday gabbing and who wants that?
A negative response or a firm back pat?
But whatever happens, which ever shelf it fills
Be it nice hardback or fifty pence deals
The point is I’ve done it, I had a year
And although the purpose isn’t that clear
The achievement will be an inner success
After the emotions of writers distress
The first time that I have stuck to a plan
Climbing the hill and believing I can
When the end comes it’ll be a personal glory
Not a full stop, but a comma in my story
A new challenge will fit my new year
And as with this, the destination is unclear
I’m buying a ticket and my journey begins
Turning some failures in to some wins
I’m Casey Junior coming down the other side
Thanks for your patience; I hope you enjoy the ride

August 30th

The early towel riser, so much to do
Select daytime seating, join breakfast queue
Up with the lark as the night is diminished
Placing towels before the cleaning staff finish
People waiting like a pack on the prowl
My brolly, my sun bed, look here’s my towel!
Do they do this back in Blighty?
The selective ownership society
Are we so predictable and crass?
Are we defunct of decorum and lacking in class?
As soon as bed reservation is out of the way
It’s time to head to the breakfast buffet
Flavours from the local area of course
Plus endless bottle of Red and Brown sauce
What must they think? What have we become?
Give them Sky Sports and copies of the Sun
Locals speak English, so no need to learn lingo
Knobbly knees contest and some bingo
All signs and menus have been translated
So the vacant vacationer’s minds are vacated
What must they think of us as a nation?
Aren’t we opposed to such segregation?
At home we mix with folks from different lands
Is this how they treat the Germans and Italians?
Time to get up from your towel covered chair
And discover the country that’s waiting out there

August 29th

Of a Spanish holiday, I ‘m much akin
Familiarity of somewhere I’ve never been
Whether it be an island of mainland Spain
The sight sounds and tastes remain the same
Are far back as my memories reach
It’s always been bed, breakfast and beach
Suddenly I’m a ten year old kid
Doing the same things that he did
I’m in my swim shorts, a pasty fool
On the balcony overlooking the pool
Big Brits abroad, splashing and sweating
Plenty of bombing, diving and heavy petting
This is what they call fun
A towel, a bed, a pint, the Sun
These are my countrymen on tour
Coming here as they’ve done before
This is what they call a vacation
With no localised assimilation
This is their summer sun kissed
Locals passed and culture missed
But maybe if they get the chance
They’ll taste paella and see a flamenco dance
It’s for the English that they cater
They chuck in a charming Spanish waiter
They’ll be back for the weather and the beers
Spanish holiday, not changed in years

August 28th

Lovely return after a four year hiatus
I’ve changed all our money into pesetas
Lovely place, weather and company
Just around the corner the beach and the sea
You have to be up early to reserve a bed with a towel
Where’s Dave when I need him now
Having a drink for my Ma & Pa
Dos cervaza and a Lumumba
Reminiscing about times spent in the sun
Small Spanish houses and my dog bite your bum
Sitting by the pool nursing a beer
All is good and wish you were here