Monday, 15 August 2011

August 6th

Come on London, inspire me
Be as great as I know you can be
Let the good, the great and the brilliant dictate
Surround me with the wonder you create
Make your streets so vibrant and pleasant
Appealing, revealing and incandescent
When I’m away, you are always missed
You are a shy and retiring exhibitionist
Pick me up and show me around
Your glory jewelled and history crowned
Once again for you I’m falling
Look out world, this is London calling

August 5th

Okay Britain, time to rise again
Reclaim our streets, take back out name
Prove once again to the mindless and hated
That we will not be violently dictated
The Britain I know isn't filled with disorder
It’s filled with great people from every corner
Let’s stick together and not let the majority
Be over run but the ignorant minority
Have great faith and do yourself a favour
Put yourself out and be a great neighbour
Make sure this doesn't grind you down
Be reminded of the goodness all around
Look at the people with wide diversities
Of various backgrounds and ethnicities
All bought together with one dedication
To put something back in to this great nation
Go out and be British, discuss the weather
Feel your community start coming together
Don't see a different colour or race
See a person; put a name to the face
When you leave the house put on a smile
Put some normality back in our lifestyle
Don’t let us be overrun by hate
Ninety nine per cent of the people are great
By trying harder we can all start achieving
Keep the faith and keep believing
Put the love back and get everyone smitten
Let’s put the great back into Great Britain

August 4th

I love you loads and I miss you more
As you’re coming in, I’m going out the door
I love the time we spend together
We have little time, but we can take forever
I love how your love just keeps on growing
Relentless, unconditional, constant, ongoing
Your control and compassion are never askew
As you allow me the strength to dream pursue
I love because an old lady told me
That ‘I’m the mountain and you are the valley’
I love you more as we are getting old
I love you because your feet are cold
You love me for reasons unknown
It must a dodgy hormone
You love me for better or worse
You love me now, but I loved you first
You love me now and I always want you to
As we live our lives a little impromptu
I love you and there will come a time
When our lives tessellate and forever entwine
I love you because you are always there
My continuous sweet loving affair
When the world throws up all its debris
It’ll be no match for you and me
I’ll love you every day as we get old
I love because your feet are cold

August 3rd

If you told me last year that I would be a writer
Or that our future would become brighter
If you’d suggested that we’d enjoy our time
And start to discover our prime
Then I’d have taken it with a pinch of salt
And added it into my minds vault
I’d have used it now in my hour of need
Whilst struggling on and trying to succeed
Who knows how things will turn
With every choice you have to learn
So now we are at the hump of the year
Things are just as far as are near
And as I writing this submission
We find ourselves in a great position
A new horizon is becoming
It’s up to us to face our reckoning
Start to define our choices
And externalise our inner voices
Time to combine our efforts and thoughts
Plan our journey and plot our course
With all this in mind I pose question rhetorical
Next year like this year, anything is possible
What’s past was great and the future is ours
To watch our seeds it blossoms and flowers
New start, new life and new career
Ask me how I’m feeling this time next year

August 2nd

The road is dusky and dimly lit
As we comfortably cruise or tailback sit
If I must driver seat reside
It’s always better with you by my side
Your driving skills my now be obsolete
But you always make my journey complete
And sometimes, when you are sleeping
I have the urge for gentle speeding
And although it speeds up a journey
It may also lead to needing an attorney
When I look across and see you there
Reclining in the passenger chair
Your eyes closing is an invitation
For me to lean across and change the radio station
Our conversations keep me going
And you can tell when my tiredness is showing
You make any journey a bit of a treat
With communal water and packet of sweets
And you know when you drive with Gav
There is no need for a Sat Nav
We know where we’re heading, there is no doubt
Is it straight on or left at this roundabout?
If you’re getting restless or feeling bored
I’ll take you to places unexplored
Whether pole to pole or around the equator
Promise to be my life navigator
And I’ll promise our journeys will never end
I’ll always drive you around the bend

August 1st

 I wonder if they care or knew
What it was I used to do
I used to perform in shows burlesque
But now I’m stuck behind a desk
I used to sing and do comedy, of sorts
But no more need for witty retorts
I used to have talent, a limited amount
But used it wisely to surmount
I used to get that fulfilled feeling
But now my work is unappealing
I used to work for claps and cheers
But now I’ve muted my ideas
I had ready wit and repartee
But that’s now in my memory
I enjoy my work once upon a when
And I’m sure that time will come again
A great time was had, of that I’d ensure
But you have to grow up and mature
With the work I do I’ll learn to have fun
You don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone

July 31st

I’ve be asked to settle Simon Le Bon’s bill
Been ask to discount Maggie Smiths meal
I’ve stored Mark Cavendish’s bike
And Paloma Faith was hard not to like
Eamon Holmes and his new wife
Were full of beans and full of life
We had Russell Watson and a Scottish M.P
Charlie Brooker and his Mrs., Konnie
Bobby Charlton told us was quite polite
But didn’t want to stay on an industrial site
But of all the celebs, big and little
My favourite of all is Ricky Whittle

July 30th

More writing done than I ever thought
More words learnt and lessons taught
More complimentary encouragement
More emails read and twice as many sent
More smiles and thinking ‘I can do that’
More CV’s falling on more doormats
More grabbing life by the scruff
More being told it’s not quite good enough
More mistakes both good and bad
More missing the things I’ve had
More questioning and wondering how
More time spent living for now 

July 29th

You told me that I can do so much more
But this is already further than I’ve gone before
This year as I’ve already instructed
I’ve written more, been more productive
I’d never published anything before
Never kept note or kept score
Never before sketched out my thoughts
Never kept a list of brain retorts
It’s the first time that I’ve been driven
On the genius switch there’s no off position
I can’t stop myself from writing things
From conjuring rhymes from what the day brings
I’m normally one who is abnormally lazy
Which is why at first, this was a little crazy
To write down my thoughts in diary form
But now it’s raining down a brain storm
I’m trying to control my new found work
It’s all happening at once, going berserk
I’m overwhelmed at being a book nerd
That’s written forty thousand words
Which when I started was beyond imagination
And now I’ve passed the half way station
So I’m now doing something with my time
This is the reason behind my rhyme
I’ll try my best at doing much more
But it’s already further than I’ve gone before

July 28th

Suddenly everything else is more important
Whilst I’m looking for rhyming reinforcement
I cannot focus or realign my mind
Days are on fast forward but I’m in rewind
I fighting hard to keep inspiration
During my writers assimilation
Instead of sitting down and being absorbed
Into writing of memories filed and stored
I find myself doing something else instead
Like flicking through TV or the worldwide web
I’ve re-alphabetised my CD collection
And studied the basic laws of convection
I’ve polished laced and cleaned my shoes
As the written word fails to enthuse
I’ve cleaned the oven and washed up crockery
I’ve designed my own rock and roll rockery
I need to get the chimney re-pointed
As my written word has become disjointed
Before my day is recalled fully
I need to take the bobbles of off anything woolly
I cleaned food cupboard and stacked tins neatly
Whilst ignoring my written work indiscreetly
I need to get back in the writers mindset
And press my alt control and delete to reset
I’ll take back the mantle and the onus
And reap the benefits of my idle bonus

July 27th

Please excuse my written frustration
And allow for artistic interpretation
I’m not going through my own depression
I’m just looking for a little expression
Thanks for your concern, and it’s not your fault
Just take everything with a pinch of salt
The written word plays the most powerful role
And it’s true that frustration is good for the soul
Things are never as bad for me
With the knowledge of love unconditionally
You’re reading my words as I’m writing
This is, actually for me, terribly exciting
Even with my brain I’m still ill-equipped
And often ignore self censorship
I’m simply trying to describe my day
In a more dramatically entertaining way
It would detract and enjoyment prevent
If I wrote down the actual daily events
For example if it’s been a quiet day
Then I need to use words to overplay
If work trundles along as it should
Then it induces boredom, which is never good
Just as the devil makes work for idle thumbs
I sift around my brain for figurative crumbs
So please excuse me for writer’s frustration
I’m just starting my poet’s acculturation

July 26th

Picked up a pencil and got back in the zone
Switched off laptop, WiFi, telly and phone
This started off well but it’s beginning to spoil
Thrown in to linguisticated turmoil 
It’s time to get back in the saddle
But I’m up a creek without a paddle
I’m out of the frying pan and into the fire
Then things, once more, begin to inspire
The fact I can reflect on times I’ve had
Make me realise things are never that bad
And what kind of poet would I be
If I didn’t pick up on personal agony
Not that I’ve had too much dismay
Never had a cause to strongly convey
I try to be good pure and pleasant
Live for the now, no time like the present
If normality is what we strive for
Then I don’t want to be normal anymore
This isn’t a year of trouble and stress
This is just a year of indecisiveness
What do you do when you just don’t know?
Keep saying yes and go with the flow
How important will you be to the world?
Jot it down be your own herald
Whichever way you choose to live
Make sure not to forget but to forgive

July 25th

Please pay attention to my latest subject
And understand it’s a tangible object
I’ll try to convey with my best linguistics
It’s an actual thing, not in the least euphemistic
Lisa Ellson had a pencil case when we were at school
The envy of the table, we all thought was very cool
A regular looking case, no one would have guessed
But she showed me what it did under the desk
It was oblong in shape and in colour a beigey brown
But buttons were revealed when you pulled a flap down
The compartments on it held a veritable feast
And when shown to me, my school work ceased
At the back of the class out of teachers view
We had some scissors paper and glue
And so, I think, we made some planes
A clapper and some paper chains
And with a fold and some tear abuse
A Paper daisy and an A4 moose
Oh and a scale model of the city of Naples
Made with Blu-Tac and some staples
Here’s a harbour full with boats
Crafted purely from post it notes
I wonder if her memories can place
What she did with that magic pencil case

July 24th

Things I love about Darren Ali
That he’s not a Mackem but a regular Geordie
He’s a passionate knowledgeable free thinker
Pretty good talker, pretty good drinker
A real companion with strong ideals
But self-deprecating which strongly appeals
He is widely travelled so worldly wise
He’s one of my favourite and closest Ali-es
A third millennium guy unique and urbane
Who wakes me up when I sleep on the train
He’s a new but really good friend to me
And now my only contact at Wembley

July 23rd

Me and a tourist and a random child
All sat on the statue of Oscar Wilde
Three people from different parts of the world
A grown up a local and a little girl
What has brought us together on Adelaide Street?
What chance that us, three strangers would meet?
A lovely time as photo’s are taken
My poetry cells are reawaken
We’d never met before and never will again
Humans bought together happy and humane
It’s good to be here and to be free
The tourist the child and me

July 22nd

The beautiful boys invited me out drinking
A lovely thought but what was I thinking?
The act of consumption and mixing I was aware
But the conversation and patter I was under prepared
Did we talk like this, back in the day?
Jibes about mothers and about being gay
I’d like to say we were a lot more liberal
More accepting open and fully convivial
We would discuss greater things when boozing
About Marxism and the ability of choosing
But thinking about it, as a rule of thumb
Most sentences ended with Yeah, your Mum!
I don’t think we ever went out on the pull
We played billiards played jokes and played the fool
We discussed the possibilities of dreams being real
And about how they first discovered cochineal
How to home make wine was a heavy feature
But then I did go drinking with my science teacher
With Poker, Subbuteo and pizza our time we’d fill
Watching Laurel and Hardy and talking Vaudeville
These things gave us our delirium
But they have no place in the third millennium
These memories are for me and are mentally stored
They are not pertinent, in the now, in Guildford
Thank you lads, for the beautiful offer
You have not gone unnoticed by this biographer

July 21st

I’m thirty two years old and I was bullied yesterday
In an aggressive thuggish cockney way
They seemed to be angry about nothing at all
Shouting swearily during a game of football
I didn’t think this kind of man existed
It seemed that evolution had fully resisted
These men lack that certain inner beauty
They were like characters from a Guy Ritchie movie
They were scary men with tattoos to match
Will did well to escape with all limbs attached
Maybe it was a show of brotherhood
Maybe they are just misunderstood
They were gentlemen who were big and strong
And society had somehow done them wrong
Then the ball came to me and I started running
Managed to avoid one tackle incoming
I was proud of myself but all too late
Got clouted from behind by his Tyson-like mate
I came away with a scrape on my knee
And worrying looks from the referee
In my mantra everyone get two chances
So I brushed off myself and his furious glances
The next time I got the ball, I tried to run again
Played the ball around then he did the same
His grunts and moans were his verbosity
I’m sure he’ll be pleased to be the subject of poetry

July 20th

Out of the flat and back into town
Turning left instead of the right way round
To grab a coffee in someplace new
All the time thinking, it’s what Tom would do
If you don’t know Tom, here’s what you’re missing
Tom spends his life in the genius position
Tom is light and a focused chance taker
Cooler than cool, no greater ice breaker
Tom is a super human, of an organic species
He works hard at making it look easy
Tom is a strong confident life go getter
When you’re with Tom you want to do better
Tom isn’t just about the bouncy side
He is deeper and sweeter and can fully confide
Empathy and understanding and a little show
Where ever you are there’s someone he knows
When you’re friends with someone for fifteen years
And you think of all the tea, coffee and beers
You realise that you are the lucky one
No greater great or funner fun
He’ll have something positive and everyday impress
He encourages me more and inspires no less
There is no pretence about what he is
Which wasn’t always popular when we were kids
Its all taken in his stride, he’s always able to relate
Tom is just Tom, and I miss you daily mate